Welcome to Tantomile’s Corner

Hi! I’m Tantomile, a random cat on the internet! Welcome to my new blog, Tantomile’s Corner, where I’ll be posting random things vaguely related to technology, the internet, cybersecurity, and whatever else peaks my interest.

I’m not exactly great at this, and it’s more than likely that this blog will get neglected when I’m busy, and may go for weeks or months at a time without a post.

When I do have time, I’ll probably post long-winded ramblings about whatever I’ve been interested in that week. I’ll try to schedule posts to keep this semi-active, but frankly, who cares?

I also maintain a few other sites that I’ll be posting to in syndication with this one in order to increase availability and reach (and because why not?).

Most of these posts will be visible on the following websites.

  • tantomile.vivaldi.net
  • tantomile.substack.com (Better site to follow for E-Mailed posts)
  • tantomile.tech.blog

I can also sometimes be found on Bluesky @tantomile.bsky.social, and occasionally post on tantomile.neocities.org.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you like it here.

– T